‘Memanusiakan’ Tenaga Kerja Melalui Pendidikan, Problem Manusia Modern Di Era Industri

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  • Ari Abi Aufa Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Bojonegoro




Indonesian factory labours deal numerous problems affecting their daily lifes, related to their individual and social needs. Economical chalenge in the global world made them to work as professionals, more over, as a machine. A labour has to concentrate and focus on the producing tools, alienating him self from his social evironment. The communication between a person and a tool is more often taken a place than communication between persons. As the result, their perpectives on other people tend to changes and this could trigger social problems. Social problems are much more complex than individual problems. It is much harder to identify a social problem than an individual roblem. A social problem exists because many people behave, individually, in a social unacceptable way. The resolution of social problems by traditional methods such as by motivating people or forcing them to behave more rationally is a frustating thing. It is the job of our education system and everyone involves. We have to create a better way of teaching, changing the paradigm on how we behave as a labour, for labours are not machine, they are human beings.


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How to Cite

Aufa, A. A. (2023). ‘Memanusiakan’ Tenaga Kerja Melalui Pendidikan, Problem Manusia Modern Di Era Industri. Al Ulya: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 1(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.32665/ulya.v1i1.1473



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