Publication Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

1. Article Publication
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs.

a) All Non-Indonesian Authors : free of charge
b) Indonesian Author(s) with the main affiliation is the institution from other country : IDR 300,000
c) Indonesian Author(s) in collaboration with Author(s) from other country : IDR 500,000
d) All Indonesian Authors from Indonesia : IDR 600,000
e) All Indonesian Authors from Indonesia and corresponding author from UNUGIRI : IDR 700,000

2. Print Journal : IDR 100,000
If the author wants a print journal, we will confirm the payment of the print journal.


Fee Waiver

Fee waivers or discounts are available by request for undergraduate student as the first and corresponding author or the author who have difficulty in funding, especially from a developing country. The authors should clearly declare that he asks for a waiver in the “Comments to the Editor” box during their submission. A waiver is most likely to be denied if it is not requested in this stage. The waiver will not affect the review result.