Mafaza : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><span lang="EN-US">Mafaza : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat </span></strong><span class="apple-style-span"><span lang="EN-US">is a journal managed by the Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri, Bojonegoro, Indonesia. Publish articles on community service activities in the fields of Education, Social, Politic, Religion, Health, Human Resource Development, and Appropriate Technology. Have e-ISSN: <a href="">2809-5650</a>. Now Mafaza is published twice a year June and December.</span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><span lang="EN-US">Mafaza : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat</span></strong><span class="apple-style-span"><span lang="EN-US"> starting in 2021 Two times a year, June and December. Published articles can be downloaded for free, read, and distributed as references for the next article. Paper is submitted online by registering first on this website or can be sent via email to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Download the Template here</a> and the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Author Guideline here</a> and submit the article along with the statement letter.</span></span></p> (Suttrisno) (M. Romadlon Habibullah)Tue, 12 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000OJS SKILL EDITING FOTO & VIDEO MELALUI PELATIHAN PENGENALAN APLIKASI EDITING PADA SISWA KELAS X
<p><em>The increasing demand from companies and the need for job vacancies in the field of photo and video editing in the media today has made it urgent for students majoring in broadcasting to hone their editing skills before jumping in and getting involved in the media industry. Based on observations, the limited human resources available in schools often prevent students from realizing the importance of these skills, so in order to accelerate knowledge, cooperation, and participation of students is needed to improve photo and video editing skills beyond those provided by the school. This community service aims to improve photo and video editing skills through training in the introduction of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere editing applications, for class X students majoring in Broadcasting at SMKN 1 Demak. The method used in this activity is Participatory Action Research (PAR), with stages, namely, observation, planning, action, and evaluation. The training includes an introduction to several photo and video editing applications, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere, as well as effective editing techniques. The results of this activity obtained a percentage increase in knowledge about photo and video editing skills of 82.7%. High student enthusiasm also shows an increase in theoretical understanding of how to edit photos and videos. This training has helped students apply photo and video editing skills in terms of promotions, digital marketing, company profiles, and personal branding of a product. Furthermore, this skill also opens up opportunities for students to be able to create businesses independently in the field of creating strategies and creative content.</em></p>Muhammad Naufal Muflikhun, Rian Febrianto, Dwimas Syailendra, Bimantara Bakti Wibawa, Aria Nanda Setiawan, Hilda Rahmah
<p><em>Stunting which is currently a social problem, is caused by unbalanced nutrition for toddlers. The principle of low parental understanding of balanced nutrition patterns for children, as well as the dual role of parents as housewives as well as careers so that they are forced to entrust children to parents (grandmothers), the majority of whom are still ancient and do not understand parenting strategies. This then became the author's concern to examine more deeply the stunting prevention strategy through the Jamaa'ah Yasin in the introduction of additional food for toddlers (MATABA). Jama'ah Yasin here is a group of young to middle-aged mothers who are dominated by the background of caring for toddlers. This assistance uses the PAR method with Community social research and problem diagnostic steps, Community strategic planning, Political Action, and reflection. The results of the service start from observations of data collection about the causes of stunting, FGD with the Yasin congregation to determine strategies, socialization of the introduction of additional food, cooking demonstrations, to making MATABA pocketbooks and reflection.</em></p>Faizah Faizah, Aliyahuna Nafisa Dya K.D, Eka Mahargiani Rokhma
Copyright (c) 2023 Mafaza : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 12 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000PENGUATAN MODERASI BERAGAMA BERBASIS KEBANGSAAN PADA SISWA REMAJA DI MASJID AL-MA’HAD DUKUPUNTANG
<p><em>Religion and nationality have a central role in shaping the identity and character of a nation. In Indonesia, which is a country with ethnic, religious, and cultural diversity, understanding religious moderation and national values is the main foundation for social harmony and state sustainability. Mosques, as religious institutions and centers of community activities, have great potential to strengthen the understanding of religious moderation and national values in the younger generation. This article aims to describe the community service program carried out for teenagers at the Al-Ma'had mosque in Cirebon Regency. In this community service, participatory action research (PAR) methodology is used as a strategy to achieve the goals of service. This method is a form of knowledge production instrument that involves active participation from the community in every stage of service, from planning, and implementation, to evaluation. The service results explain that this program creates higher awareness among teenage students about their role in building a more harmonious and peaceful society and contributes to the formation of a generation that is more tolerant, harmonious, and loves the country.</em></p>Theguh Saumantri, Jefik Zulfikar Hafizd; Riza Fasya Faturrakhman
<p><em>The ability to communicate effectively and good public speaking skills, today is indispensable for various needs, including being used and exploited as job opportunities in the field of communication and public speaking. Against this background of the need for public speaking skills, especially for the millennial generation, a public speaking workshop was held that focused on introducing and practicing voice coaches. The implementation of the public speaking workshop has two main objectives, namely: (1) Get to know the Voicetainers; (2) Practicing Voicetainer. Methodologically, this public speaking workshop activity is carried out using service learning method. At the operational level, the service learning method in this activity is carried out by teaching participants about public speaking by combining academic approaches (voicetainer concepts and theory) and training practical skills (practicing voicetainer) of activity participants in the fields of communication and public speaking which can be used as job opportunities. Specifically, this activity has been carried out well and has achieved maximum results on the following two points: (1) Workshop participants can recognize and know about a voice coach, which is a public speaking skill that can support work in the field of communication; (2) Workshop participants can practically and applicatively practice public speaking skills which can be used as job opportunities in the field of communication. </em></p>Faisal Muzzammil, Adilah
Copyright (c) 2023 Mafaza : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 12 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000PELATIHAN PENGUATAN LITERASI SAINS UNTUK ANAK SEKOLAH DASAR DESA MANYARSIDORUKUN GRESIK
<p><em>This research advocates for an instructional approach that involves optimizing children's sensory engagement through the direct experiential exploration to enhance effective learning. By providing opportunities for hands-on learning experiences, this method aims to assist children in developing analytical skills and critical thinking abilities. Critical thinking skills are crucial for children to confront future challenges. Cultivating critical thinking by enhancing scientific literacy in children involves helping them grasp scientific concepts, observe natural phenomena, conduct experiments, and understand scientific processes. This enables children to develop their critical thinking abilities. However, many schools face challenges in facilitating experimental learning due to various factors and reasons. Therefore, this Community Engagement Initiative focuses on empowering elementary school-aged children by strengthening their scientific literacy through the introduction of "temperature and heat" concepts.</em> <em>This material can help children deepen their understanding of the world around them in a more profound yet simple manner. This Community Engagement Initiative employs a training method with the following stages: 1) discussions with schools to identify students' needs, 2) problem identification, 3) activity planning, 4) implementation of activities, 5) activity evaluation, and 6) activity reporting. The partners in this community engagement are the "literacy house" community in the village of Manyarsidorukun, Gresik, and lecturers from the Daruttaqwa Islamic Institute, Gresik. The outcomes of this initiative include 1) Children feel delighted with this PkM activity as participants can practice directly 2) Develop communication skills by retelling their learning experiences.</em></p>Siti Amaliati, Ismawati Ismawati
Copyright (c) 2023 Mafaza : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 12 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000PENTINGNYA PERENCANAAN KEUANGAN PADA KELOMPOK USAHA MIKRO GUYUB RUKUN, PPA SHIKAR MALANG
<p><em>Financial planning is vital to the growth of micro-enterprises. The Guyub Rukun micro-enterprise group, owned by parents of children who are members of PPA Shikar in Malang, has encountered stagnation due to insufficient understanding of personal financial planning and entrepreneurial finance, which is harmful to business owners. Many micro-enterprise owners in the Guyub Rukun group merge their personal and business finances. Due to insufficient of mentors' managerial knowledge, these entrepreneurs need help managing their finances effectively. Therefore, community service activities by PPA Shikar Malang that highlight the significance of financial planning are crucial for the success of the Guyub Rukun micro-enterprise group. Training is provided in the form of personal and entrepreneurial financial planning. MSME entrepreneurs can immediately practice the knowledge by using the digital application for daily financial records and the MSME business financial records application on PlayStore. According to the questionnaires distributed to the participants, 92% expressed satisfaction, found the material easily understandable, and believed that community service activities benefited their micro-enterprises</em></p>Nony Kezia Marchyta, Widjojo Suprapto
Copyright (c) 2023 Mafaza : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 12 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN BONEKA JARI SEBAGAI MEDIA AJAR BAGI GURU TK KECAMATAN SERIRIT
<p><em>Formal education for children begins at an early age, 4 years old the early childhood education programs. Learning in Kindergarten is carried out using the principle of play because playing for children is a very enjoyable activity and is always carried out every day. Daily learning activities in Kindergarten to develop children's intelligence abilities are adapted to the learning principles and values developed in the prepared curriculum. The learning process in kindergarten schools uses facilities and infrastructure that support the achievement of educational goals. One of them is using learning media that is interesting to children. However, teachers have difficulty providing teaching media such as storytelling media as learning facilities, which is one of the obstacles faced by kindergarten teachers in Seririt District. This is caused by financial factors, lack of ideas, skills, and other equipment. Learning media does not have to be in the form of sophisticated digital technology, therefore researchers provide a training program for making finger puppets as a teaching medium to kindergarten teachers in the Seririt sub-district as service partners with the aim of helping teachers develop teaching media that can be used in the classroom. The implementation of this service lasted for three months. Methods for implementing this activity include drafting training guidelines, providing training on making finger puppets as a learning medium, and practicing direct teaching using the media that has been created. The results obtained during the implementation of this community service, namely through training in making finger puppets as a teaching medium, are able to increase the creativity of teachers in creating shapes and characters from the media they make and also develop an entrepreneurial spirit because the materials used can be found around us, thus making children become more enthusiastic in the learning process, and the class atmosphere becomes more enjoyable.</em></p>Ni Nyoman Ari Ratnadi, Putu Agus Windu Yasa Bukian
Copyright (c) 2023 Mafaza : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 12 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000