<p><strong>At Tuhfah:</strong> Journal of Islamic Studies published by the Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri Bojonegoro University Postgraduate since 2008. Focus and Scope scientific studies on Islamic studies. The articles of this journal are published every six months (2 issues per year in June and December)</p> <p>The editorial team invites academics, lecturers, and researchers to contribute in submitting scientific articles that have never been published in other journals. Manuscripts are typed with 1.5 cm spacing on A4 size paper with a length of between 20-25 pages, 5000-7000 words. manuscripts are evaluated by the editorial board and bestari partners. The editor can make changes to the published text for format uniformity, without changing the substance. The languages used are Indonesian, English and Arabic.</p> <p>This journal can be accessed openly, which means that all available content is freely accessible without charge, either to users or to the institution. Users who are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or cite to the full text of articles do not have to seek prior permission from the publisher or author.</p> <p>Editor's Address: Jl. Ahmad Yani No.10 Sukorejo Bojonegoro Cp. 081330496000, Email: This e-journal is an online version of the Modeling print edition published by the Nahdlatul Ulama University Sunan Giri Bojonegoro</p>Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Girien-USAt-Tuhfah2089-0060SEXUALLY HARASSMENT IN BOARDING SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES
<p>Acts of sexual harassment against women are referred to as sexual harassment, regardless of whether the victim and perpetrator had sexual intercourse or not. Islamic boarding schools have the second highest rate of sexual violence after universities, even though universities and Islamic boarding schools play an important role in the development of individual character and identity. These locations are still considered unsafe for women and children, as evidenced by sexual harassment. Islamic boarding schools and universities that should be places for people to study have turned into places where teachers, administrators, and even ustadz can get what they want. These individuals usually rely on religious doctrine or even be lured by financial content to obtain various educational guarantees, such as being given high marks or questions that have been leaked. This research examines cases of sexual harassment that occurred in Islamic boarding schools and universities, provides an overview of the steps taken to address and prevent such incidents, and evaluates the extent to which these steps have been successful. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method, which aims to accurately and methodically describe the facts and characteristics of a population or a particular field. It is hoped that this research will be able to describe various problems related to sexual harassment faced by female students and students at universities or Islamic boarding schools. Sexuality education and awareness must be implemented immediately. This is a key reason for a deeper look into demonstrations of sexual brutality and how to protect oneself from sexual violence and perspectives on managing sexual violence. All stakeholders, including students, teachers, education staff, and the campus community, must participate in this introduction.</p> <p> </p>Alfina -HaitsamFinkanIntanAditia
Copyright (c) 2023 At-Tuhfah : Jurnal Studi Keislaman
2023-12-272023-12-27122274410.32665/attuhfah.v12i2.1645Kajian Mendalam tentang Konsep dan Implikasi Sosial Syirik dalam Konteks Keagamaan
<p><em>Shirk is an act that assosciates or duplicates something other than Allah . Shirk is the greatest sin and injustice. Shirk is divided into two types, namely shirk al-akbar (large shirk) and shirk al-asghar (small shirk). Shirk al-Akbar is the most serious and major form of shirk in Islamic teachings because it excludes the perpetrators from Islam, such as worshiping idols, asking for help from the dead, or assuming there is someone in authority other than Allah. Shirk al-ashgar is a milder form of shirk than shirk al-akbar because it does not expel the perpetrator from Islam, but reduces his rewards and deeds, such as vows other than Allah, riya, or takabur. Shirk is caused by various factors, such as liking, love, faith, fear, desire or taqlid (following along). Shirk has a very bad impact on humans, reducing rewards, preventing entry to heaven, causing punishment, and detouring from the path of Allah. Shirk must be avoided by increasing knowledge, faith, sincerity, , making dhikr, always remembering Allah, and staying away from all Allah's prohibitions.</em></p>Andi Abd. MuisAlia RahmaSri Sri Wulan DariNur Haeriah
Copyright (c) 2023 At-Tuhfah : Jurnal Studi Keislaman
2023-12-272023-12-27122455210.32665/attuhfah.v12i2.2701Hakikat Manusia Dalam Pandangan Islam: Kesejahteraan dan Kesetaraan
<p><em>Human nature is something that has been debated for centuries. There are various views on human nature, ranging from spiritual views to material views. In this journal, the author will discuss human nature from two perspectives, namely well-being and equality. Well-being is a state characterized by happiness, satisfaction and health. Equality is a state characterized by equal rights and opportunities for all people. Both of these are important for humans, as they can contribute significantly to the quality of human life. Well-being can be achieved through various means, such as fulfilment of basic needs, development of personal potential, and positive social relationships. Equality can be achieved through various means, such as fair public policies, quality education, and open employment opportunities. The author argues that well-being and equality are interrelated. Equally achieved well-being will create a fairer and more equal society. Conversely, equality that is achieved will create a more well-being society</em></p>hilda rasyidAmanda Salsa NabilaNur Alfia IdrisSiti Nurhaliza ArimbiSuci RahmadaniFira RamadhaniFerawaty FerawatyHilda HildaAndi. Abd Muis
Copyright (c) 2023 At-Tuhfah : Jurnal Studi Keislaman
2023-12-272023-12-2712211410.32665/attuhfah.v12i2.2488Implikasi Puasa Senin Kamis Bagi Akhlak Siswa Di MA Darussalam Deru Bojonegoro
<p><em>This research aims to determine the implications of Monday and Thursday fasting for the morals of students at MA Darussalam Deru. The background to which this research was conducted is in today's era, most Muslims today are very few who seriously, consistently and consistently uphold the teachings of Allah and the Messenger. -His. Fasting on Mondays and Thursdays is a form of worship that was highly recommended by Rasulullah SAW. Monday and Thursday fasting has the meaning of sunnah fasting which is done on Thursdays, and the Prophet liked to fast on both days. For the reason that on Mondays and Thursdays all the deeds of Adam's children are reported (raised), and he hopes that, when his deeds are raised before Allah while fasting, the method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques of observation, in-depth interviews and triangulation data. The results of research on the morals of Madrasah Aliyah Darussalam students who regularly perform sunnah fasting on Mondays and Thursdays have an increased spiritual spirit, so that they become more disciplined, patient, trustworthy, honest, have good attitudes towards fellow students, are patient, more disciplined and of course have more noble character. The implications of sunnah fasting on Mondays and Thursdays can shape female students' morals through several aspects, namely spiritual aspects and physical aspects. Through the spiritual aspect: by fasting the sunnah can increase devotion to Allah, have fear of, and all actions that are done with the pleasure of Allah, they fast to get closer to and carry out the Sunnah of the Prophet. Next is the physical aspect, with this, after fasting, female students feel more enthusiastic, active and healthy.</em></p>Zaini MiftahHamam BurhanuddinSri Lastutik
Copyright (c) 2023 At-Tuhfah
<p><em>This research discusses community participation in improving the quality of education at SDN Kumalasa Sangkapura Bawean Gresik. This problem is described into several focus problems, first How is community participation in improving the quality of education at SDN Kumalasa Sangkapura Bawean Gresik? Second, what factors support participation in improving the quality of education at SDN Kumalasa Sangkapura Bawean Gresik? This research aims to determine community participation in improving the quality of education at SDN Kumalasa Sangkapura Gresik. And to find out the factors that support and hinder community participation in improving the quality of education at SDN Kumalasa Sangkapura Bawean Gresik. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type, data collection methods are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation techniques with the informants being the school principal, teachers, school committee, community elements and parents. Data analysis uses reduction display and verification techniques. Currently checking the validity of the data using source triangulation. The results of this research state that firstly, community participation in improving the quality of education at SDN Kumalasa Sangkapura Bawean Gresik is very good by providing assistance in physical and non-physical forms. Physical assistance in the form of funds, goods, procurement and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure, teachers and personnel. Non-physical assistance in the form of thoughts, ideas, suggestions, constructive criticism, motivation and curriculum. The two factors that support community participation are community traditions, beliefs (religion), form of government, and leadership model. The inhibiting factors are the level of education and economic conditions of the community.</em></p>Ansharuddin MSholihan sholihan
Copyright (c) 2023 At-Tuhfah : Jurnal Studi Keislaman