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Maxim Violation, EFL ClassroomAbstract
The purpose of this study is to reveal the maxim violation in EFL Classroom of English Education of FKIP of Universitas Islam Makassar. In this research, the researcher used qualitative descriptive method to find out maxim violation in EFL classroom. In choosing subject, the researcher applied purposeful sampling. In purposeful sampling, (Creswell, 2012:206) states that researchers intentionally select individuals and sites to learn or understand the central phenomenon. In this study, sample consists of 20 students. To consider that the data is authentic, it was taken directly in the classroom by recording the conversation and some of those data were taken while the students are talking. After the data has been collected, they are transcribed into written form and then it was reduced, next analyzed by identified the violation of maxim. After that those violations were classified into table form. The study shows that the students of English Education of FKIP of Universitas Islam Makassar violated the maxim quantity, quality, relation and manner.