Logika Matematika Sebagai Alternatif Ilmu Mantiq Yang Diaplikasikan Untuk Takarub
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This research examines whether mathematics, especially mathematical logic in thinking, can be a replacement way to the exert of mantiq in the concept of getting closer to Allah SWT. Mathematics, which is more accessible than Mantiq, was one of the considerations in writing this study. This study intends to provide benefits and open people's views that mathematics, which precipitates logic, can also be linear with religious knowledge, such as the science of mantiq. So it is aspiration that in the time ahead, by studying the logic of mathematics, humans can apply it to matters related to getting closer to Allah SWT. Library research is the research methodology applied.. This literature research was carried out in a systematic and highly structured manner so that the literature sources in this article that have been published in an approach which guarantees the most effective results as the most relevant literature sources. This article will be written in descriptive-analytical form so that the research results can be described in detail, accurately, and easily understood. The final result of this paper will be published so anyone could directly understand that mathematics is a systematic science and constructing logic can be carry out in line with religious scholarship, where mathematics used to understand the concept of the oneness of Allah SWT. Understanding systems in mathematical logic can also help us understand Islamic concepts such as monotheism, destiny, and the hereafter. The application of mathematical logic can also help someone to think logically and systematically about drawing closer to Allah SWT so that they can avoid going astray.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Al Ninantari Dimarzio Ananto, Aidhella Syafitri, Amalia Rosa Oktaviani, Agil Julian Nugroho, Farhan Syarif, Aditia Muhammad Noor
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